Local Groups

New Jersey Public Education Coalition

The Coalition (NJPEC) is a Grassroots nonpartisan organization designed to preserve diversity and inclusion in our schools while preventing radical right wing injection of radical right wing Dogma and agendas. We have a Statewide network of Municipal Representatives who act as an early warning system for unethical and illegal action by Rogue board members and who helped to create coordinated local groups to provide our members with a voice against the opposition. We also accomplish our goal in coordination with New Jersey legislators as well as the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights, Attorney General's office and Governors Office.
4 Members
Michael "Mike" Gottesman

No More Silence NC

Our statewide group will connect North Carolina teachers, parents, and community members who care deeply about public education and want to bring about beneficial and lasting changes to North Carolina's school system--one where education and educators, and public school students and parents, feel valued and appreciated. We want teachers and school staff to be paid what they are worth and we want them to have real power to change the public education system.
4 Members
Kimberly Biondi

Emerald Coast SWEEP

Emerald Coast SWEEP is an all inclusive bipartisan group of parents and community members united against book bans and dedicated to upholding the principles of personal freedom and reproductive rights through grassroots activism along the Emerald Coast. https://www.facebook.com/groups/emeraldcoastsweep/?mibextid=oMANbw
4 Members
Ilana Porzecanski

Surry Coffee Club

Our local group will connect badass women in our community who want to work with others who share their values to protect democracy on the local, state and national levels.
4 Members
Lori Farrington

Transformation W-S

Transformation W-S is a coalition of individuals from around our community who are dedicated to protecting our trans and non-binary neighbors. Our mission is to provide safe spaces for local youth and adults to share information and resources, and to advocate for policies that promote equality and fairness for all.
4 Members
Susan Parker

Triad Actioneers of the Piedmont

Our local group will connect badass women in our community who want to work with others who share their values to protect democracy on the local, state, and national levels. With numerous battles being fought regarding topics important to women throughout the state of NC, Triad Actioneers formed in the Spring of 2023 to offer a central location for information sharing. Our members find it difficult to keep up with all of the information on each of the important topics. We are frustrated that we do not know how, and when, to take action for greater impact regarding a hot topic. To alleviate frustration and develop action that will make a positive change, our team has committed to providing summaries of current happenings and immediately NEEDED ACTIONS for the following topics: Education School Budget School Vouchers BOE Updates Freedom to Parent Trans Initiatives Reproductive Health Please join our group of badass women who WILL make a difference in protecting our democracy. We look forward to meeting you at our next event!
4 Members
Jan Allison

Big Walnut Progressives

This group was established as a place for like-minded forward thinkers to mobilize to improve our world, starting here in the Big Walnut area.
4 Members
Linda Wagner

Introverted Advocates for Democracy-Alamance

Introverted Advocates for Democracy Alamance is a dedicated group that embraces the unique strengths of introverts in the pursuit of democratic engagement. Recognizing that advocacy can often be overwhelming, we create a supportive environment where quiet reflection and thoughtful dialogue thrive. Our mission is to explore innovative ways to promote democratic values while honoring our natural tendencies for introspection and listening. Through workshops, small discussion groups, and community initiatives, we empower our members to participate in civic life in a manner that feels authentic and comfortable. We believe that every voice matters, and even the softest tones can create meaningful ripples of change. By fostering connections among like-minded individuals, we cultivate a network that champions respectful discourse and collaborative action. Together, we aim to make a positive impact on our community, ensuring that democracy is defended and celebrated in ways that resonate with our introverted spirits.
3 Members
Cariann Stafford

Elections Matter Now

This is a non partisan group focused on saving democracy. Republicans, independents and democrats voting for democrats up and down the ballot are welcome here! Bring your ideas and your energy: let's get to work. Together we'll brainstorm opportunities for each one of us, that'll fit our individual Styles! (Phone banks, text bank, door knocking, writing to editors, postcards/letters etc.) 1. 70/80% of Americans have now heard about Project 2025 but let's make sure they really understand how it'll impact their well-being. 2. Do all we can to help get democrats elected in up and down ballot elections. 3. Most Americans know SCOTUS's rulings are based on ideology. Now we need to be sure they know that the next president may be able to select another Justice. 4. Dark money will be pouring into this years election. We need to encourage voters to consider who is paying for the media messages & how they are trying to manipulate our votes. 5. Work with our swing state democratic parties in any way we can to help turn out voters sending a loud, clear message to MAGA extremists that WE ARE NOT GOING BACK, WE ARE MOVING FORWARD.
3 Members
Monamarie McCreary

Save Our Democracy

Our local group connects like-minded people in our community who want to work with others who share their values to protect democracy on the local, state and national levels.
3 Members
Ann Elliott