Local Groups

Good Trouble in Southern Maryland

Our local group will connect like-minded people in our community who want to work with others who share their values to protect democracy on the local, state and national levels.
5 Members
Kim Barbaro

York County United

Our local group will connect like-minded people in our community who want to work with others who share their values to protect democracy on the local, state and national levels. We are passionate and devoted to making a difference, especially at the local level.
5 Members
Narielle Living

Renegades of Southern Wake County

Our local group will connect badass women in our community who want to work with others who share their values to protect democracy on the local, state and national levels.
5 Members
Elizabeth Parent

Progressives United of South Haven (PUSH)

Progressives United of South Haven is an inclusive, intersectional organization focused on bringing positive change to our community, country and world. We join together in the spirit of democracy to preserve our human rights and resist policies that infringe on those rights. We are committed to the protection of civil rights, gender equality, reproductive rights, LGBTQIA rights, workers' rights, disability rights, immigrant rights, environmental justice, public education, animal welfare and the ending of violence. Guiding Principles 1. Use sound, science-based reasoning, our constitutional rights and duties, and human decency to lead our actions. 2. Stand against oppressive, discriminatory and harmful policies at local, state and nationwide levels. 3. Take action at all levels, with an emphasis on local issues, to invoke progressive changes. ISSUES - Racism​ - Poverty - Immigration/refugee rights - Gender equality - Reproductive rights - LGBTQ+ rights - Disability rights - Public Education - Affordable health care - Workers' rights - Climate change - Clean water - Clean energy - Animal welfare - Gun regulations - ​Domestic violence - Police relations - Progressive candidate support - Redistricting - Voter suppression/voter turnout - Freedom of the press - Separation of church and state
5 Members
Jenny Romero

New Jersey Public Education Coalition

The Coalition (NJPEC) is a Grassroots nonpartisan organization designed to preserve diversity and inclusion in our schools while preventing radical right wing injection of radical right wing Dogma and agendas. We have a Statewide network of Municipal Representatives who act as an early warning system for unethical and illegal action by Rogue board members and who helped to create coordinated local groups to provide our members with a voice against the opposition. We also accomplish our goal in coordination with New Jersey legislators as well as the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights, Attorney General's office and Governors Office.
5 Members
Michael "Mike" Gottesman

No More Silence NC

Our statewide group will connect North Carolina teachers, parents, and community members who care deeply about public education and want to bring about beneficial and lasting changes to North Carolina's school system--one where education and educators, and public school students and parents, feel valued and appreciated. We want teachers and school staff to be paid what they are worth and we want them to have real power to change the public education system.
5 Members
Kimberly Biondi

Surry Coffee Club

Our local group will connect badass women in our community who want to work with others who share their values to protect democracy on the local, state and national levels.
5 Members
Lori Farrington

Rural Women Voices

Living in a rural area, do you sometimes feel isolated in your beliefs? We're here to change that! Our group is a safe haven for women who share a passion for democracy, women's empowerment, and creating positive change. Join us to connect with women who share your background, challenges, and triumphs.
5 Members
Andrea Inverso

Women Warriors Resist

We want to help keep this nation free, to keep all of our rights, to read the books we want to read, to protect same sex marriage & the rights of the lgbtq+ community, safety for immigrants. All of the things that could be taken away
4 Members
Tracy Johnson

Joyful Warriors

The Mountains are calling like-minded people in our community to gather in a common goal of protecting the rights of all peoples regardless of race, sex, faith affliation, immigration status, trans and gays, disabled and marginalized individuals. Joyful Warriors is a place to speak your truth in a safe nurturing enviroment with others that share common values to protect democracy on the local, state and national levels. We will rise together and lift these folks up in love and light. Breathe and holding space for one another is one path forward as there are many. So let's Joyfully gather and find our peaceful Warriors as we understand the assignment.
4 Members
LAURA Anderson