Local Groups

Founding Mothers Movement

Our mission is to finish the job of the Founding Fathers and transform the world! Join us at the Peace Pentagon in Independence, Virginia. www.FoundingMothers.world
19 Members
Laura George
Stacy Zemon

Western New York Troublemakers (Rochester, Syracuse & Buffalo)

Welcome! Join our local group to unite with fellow community members who are dedicated to ending extremism and safeguarding democracy and true civil liberty, especially for women and marginalized populations across local, state, and national platforms. We're seeking passionate individuals eager to drive impactful change in Upstate New York, particularly in underserved rural areas. Together, we can amplify our voices and enact the transformative progress our communities urgently need. Let's have fun and make an impact together! You can join our Facebook group here: www.facebook.com/groups/westernnytroublemakers/
19 Members
Danielle Archer


Our local group will connect badass folks in our community who want to work with others who share their values to protect democracy on the local, state and national levels. We are deep in MAGA territory and we need a safe space for like-minded friends.
19 Members
Maryjane Slaughter
Ellen candeloro


SWEEP NJ is a grassroots network of women working together in New Jersey to defeat right-wing extremism. Join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/sweepnj/ Please answer the questions and agree to the rules.
19 Members

Feathers in Freedom

Together, we will connect to ensure we are in alignment and moving in the same direction quickly to eliminate the possibility of the extremist agenda, Project 2025, from becoming reality and ruining our democracy. THE CANARY The canary symbolizes hope for the future and carries the spirit of joy, optimism, and resilience. It encourages you to use the power of your voice and lights the path for others who cannot find their way. We carry the purple, white, and gold colors of the Women Suffragettes who fought so hard for our future. Remember the canary in the coal mine and how it helped to communicate when things were toxic and unsafe? It's time to be a canary in our own community. There are like thinkers out there and it is our responsibility to find them. We will educate them on the dangers of Project 2025 and make sure they are registered to vote, so we can save democracy together. Ready to help? Please click JOIN below and let’s get started. Links to Important Information: Project 2025 (922 page file) https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf Project 2025 (one pager from Red Wine and Blue) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jin-xiNEiTjbCxyyCsxHfSiyd8U-pOQ7/view?usp=sharing NC Voter Registration Information (deadline to register is October 11) https://www.ncsbe.gov/registering/how-register Be a Canary https://www.canary.vote/
18 Members
Patti Denny

Springing to Action in Waukesha

This is a group of women, who are concerned about our democracy both locally and nationally. We want to be involved politically but aren’t sure where to start. We are here to spring into action together.
17 Members
Angela Sella

Ottawa County MI Women's Voices

Ottawa County MI Women's Voices connects strong, empowered women and men in our communities who want to work with others who share their values to protect democracy at local, state and national levels. Do you want to get more involved in making a difference in Ottawa County, or in Michigan, or in the USA? Do you want to learn more, share information and build connections with others on important issues? Then join Ottawa County MI Women's Voices! Our goal is to thoughtfully engage with the issues that matter at local, state, and national levels. We try to connect with people who share values on the issues. Our goals for 2024 are: 1) Restoring competent governance, transparency, and fiscal responsibility that represents everyone in Ottawa County. 2) Informing everyone about the dangerous threat of Project 2025 in the United States. 3) Helping you talk with others about what you know. We'll try to help you sort through some of the issues at stake this election year. We'll post a few things on our page every week or so, to help process what we see and read, and help us talk with others about it.  For example: We'll share TOOLS. Tools that can help us talk with friends and family about issues, even if they see things differently. Tools to help us handle disinformation. Tools that encourage people to vote. We'll share LINKS. Links that summarize key information, like who's running for what office, or how Project 2025 would impact American women. Links that suggest how we can get involved -- a little or a lot - in our communities.  We'll share MEETS. Meets, maybe live, as we have before, and maybe over Zoom. It's great to bring everyone together in person, but it's hard in such a large area like ours. We'll meet different ways, based on what you want to do. So if you want to make a difference in a way that's a good fit for your time, talents, and interests, no matter where you live, please join Ottawa County MI Women's Voices, and work on the issues you care about!
17 Members
Carol Sanchez
Daneen Caro


Welcome! Our local group connects like-minded people in our community who want to work with others who share their values to protect democracy on the local, state and national levels. Our name stands for a variety of words, heralded by the determination and grit we'll need to protect democracy. We'll decide together what best suits our acronym. Some examples: • Greater Rochester Integrity & Truth • Galvanize Rochester for Integrity & Truth • Get Real Integrity & Truth House Rules (in progress): • We won’t always agree. That’s okay. • We are inclusive. Objectives (in progress): Create a community of support where we can sort through the disinformation together. Learning how to have conversations and common ground with others A space to shed our feelings of helplessness and outrage where we reinvigorate hope by taking action: - Supporting each other - How to talk to relatives, friends who have heads in the sand, or are on the fence. (forget the other 32%) - postcard/letter writing campaigns - workshops - comparison chart (each of us take a topic to compare/contrast with sources) - create a FB group? We will sort out our goals when we meet. This is all new and in progress right now. We can't wait to meet you!
15 Members
Jennifer Young

SWEEP California

Welcome to the state-level group of SWEEP by Red Wine & Blue for California. This is a safe (and brave!) space for all individuals who embrace inclusivity and reject hate and extremism. SWEEP California is open to all like-minded individuals looking to learn, organize, and band together across this state. Most of our group's discussion and organizing will take place on our Facebook page. Follow this link to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sweepcalifornia/
15 Members
Missy McGinnes

NH Women for Democracy

Our local group will connect badass women in our community who want to work with others who share their values to protect democracy on the local, state and national levels.
15 Members
Deborah Makowsky