Local Groups

Good Trouble Cape Cod

Our local group connects like-minded people in our community who want to work with others who share their values to protect democracy on the local, state and national levels.
6 Members
Martha Knapp
Deborah Mason

Portlanders Passionate for Progress

Let’s tackle—discuss, brainstorm, resolve—issues that are deterring all things progress. It may take determination & grit, but there’s always a solution!
6 Members
Martina Pedersen

Gateway City Gaggle

Our local group connects like-minded people in our community who want to work with others who share their values to protect democracy on the local, state and national levels.
6 Members
Becky Farrington

Durango Rainbow Dames Defending Democracy

Project 2025 has the potential to dismantle our fundamental and constitutional rights! Trump's stated plans will embolden extremist, fundamentalist, racist, and misogynistic policies and groups to strip us of our hard won human rights. I hope that our developing group can work in our small community to advocate for truth-telling about the agenda and to disrupt the fake news lies.
6 Members
Reneae Skarin

Six Degrees of Activism

@6degreesofactivsm on Instagram erin723.Substack.com Creating positive change in our community using personal relationships; mainly focused on Kansas state politics
6 Members
Erin Woods

Democracy over Dictatorship

Our local group connects like-minded people in our community who want to work with others who share their values to protect democracy on the local, state and national levels.
6 Members
Amy Rothchild

Write on! - MN West Metro

We are a group of volunteers who write postcards for political candidates in the Twin Cities' west and southwest metro area and beyond. Our candidates support policies that protect and build a stronger, healthier, and more inclusive Minnesota and country. We don't like labels, but if you've ever been called a liberal, progressive, lefty, etc., you're our kind of people. Write on! We have a private Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/writeonmn Join our email list by sending Amy a message using the link below.
6 Members
Amy Nylander

Free State Kansas

Educated, Democratic Women who believe in freedom and justice for all.
6 Members
Renee Sekel

Suburban Women- AZ LD3

Our group will bring together people who are looking for common-sense candidates and solutions. so we can defeat extremism and stand up for women's rights and strong public schools. We will educate ourselves and voters about important local offices and issues.
6 Members
Noreen Eversmeyer

Reclaiming Our Time

Trying to bring awareness and educate people on what is going on in our country. All open-minded parties concerned about losing our country to extremism are welcome to this group. Dispelling misinformation & disinformation on the same named Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/ReclaimingOurTimeSWPA/
6 Members
Kristine Melillo