Local Groups

Roanoke Valley Badass Women

A bunch of badass women, men and others who want to help us.
7 Members
Freeda Cathcart

Roanoke County Schools United

A community of citizens, educators, parents, and students working together for Roanoke County Schools. https://www.facebook.com/RoanokeCountySchoolsUnited https://www.roanokecountyschoolsunited.org/
7 Members
Sarah Goodman

Red Wine & Blue: Michigan

We are a sisterhood working to change the world together, one suburb at a time. Red Wine & Blue provides everything women need to successfully organize in their communities and beyond. Want to get stuff done and have fun along the way? Join us. www.facebook.com/groups/redwinebluemichigan Suburban women are busy as hell. We do not believe you have to be a political activist to do your part. We believe in meeting you where you are and then moving where we want to go together. We are more than just a Facebook group and have organizers on the ground in Michigan to work with you! Contact us at [email protected] Kelly, Program Director Mandy, Deputy Director
7 Members
Michigan Red Wine & Blue

Mason-Deerfield Twp Dem Club

Our goal is to bring Mason and Deerfield Democrats from out of hiding, and into office. We believe in Dignity, Respect and Equality for all. We are a group of Mason residents who care about our community and making sure everyone who lives here is equally thriving. We are on a mission to elect leaders with integrity and a mindset of inclusivity. We share the values of fairness and equality in our government, schools, and employment. And we will work for it. Stay updated by joining our email list: https://forms.gle/7RKzd6b2MvHcAKo67
7 Members
Julie Womack

Team Cannon

“Team Cannon” exists to shed light on local issues affecting the residents of Cannon Township, Kent County, MI. In 2023 alone, the Township Board has hosted an “infomercial” Town Hall by the Kent County Prosecutor disputing Michigan’s majority-passed Proposal 3 regarding reproductive rights, implemented discussion regarding the sale of a public Township Park, mismanaged an ongoing dispute between two businesses and the use of land the Board had given away without a written agreement, replaced the only two female seats on the board with men when the seats became vacant, and publicly bullied and maligned residents asking legitimate questions. Team Cannon’s goal is to see our local government officials working FOR the residents to maintain and improve our community.
7 Members
Megan MacNaughton

Triad Actioneers Leadership Team

Our local group will connect badass women in our community who want to work with others to protect democracy on the local, state, and national levels. The Leadership Team will meet monthly to discuss relevant topics, create actions needed immediately, and rally our troops to take action. As interest grows in the Triad, we will host larger gatherings to share information and most importantly, share ACTIONS needed to protect our local, state, and national democracy. With numerous battles being fought regarding topics important to women throughout the state of NC, Triad Actioneers formed in the Spring of 2023 to offer a central location for information sharing. Our members find it difficult to keep up with all of the information on each of the important topics. We are frustrated that we do not know how and when to take action for greater impact regarding a hot topic. To alleviate frustration and develop action that will make a positive change, a champion will bring current information and specific needed actions to each meeting regarding the following topics: Education School Budget School Vouchers BOE Updates Freedom to Parent Trans Initiatives Reproductive Health ...any other relevant topic that is key to defending democracy regarding women's initiatives. Thank you for being a badass by wanting to take action to defend our democracy! We look forward to meeting you soon.
7 Members
Jan Allison
Rene Lofland

10000 Women Louisiana

We are a statewide civic engagement and advocacy organization in Louisiana. We focus on issues affecting women and families. Social Media: @10000womenla
6 Members
Angela Adkins
Melissa Flournoy

Grace, Hope & Freedom

Our local group connects like-minded people in our community who want to work with others who share their values to protect democracy on the local, state and national levels.
6 Members
Tricia Stoddard

Postcards in the Park

Our local group connects like-minded people in our community who want to work with others who share their values to protect democracy on the local, state and national levels.
6 Members
Lauren Meslar

God and Country Discussion Group

To safeguard our democracy and promote religious freedom for all, we commit to countering the influence of Christian nationalism by fostering inclusive, equitable communities through education, advocacy, and collaboration.
6 Members
Don Rowlett