Local Groups

NW Women's Voices

Strong women fighting for democracy locally and nationally.
15 Members
Janet Sullivan

West Virginia Women's Alliance

The West Virginia Women’s Alliance (WVWA) is a cross-partisan organization working to remove barriers to prosperity, encourage balanced, moderate, and accountable leadership, and empower West Virginia women and families to effectively participate in shaping their own futures. https://www.thewvwa.org
15 Members
Tiffany Gale


Who we are: SPURR (Social and Political Understanding of Reproductive Rights) was formed by three passionate women - a therapist, a documentary filmmaker and an architect who all benefited from safe abortions. The three were outraged by the Dobbs decision in 2022 which stripped the right to legal abortions, the first constitutional right ever to be rescinded. Our response? SPURR, an information platform that educates, organizes and "spurs" people into action. While we, along with many of our friends, feel fortunate to live in Colorado with its protections for reproductive rights, we understand the need to protect what we have and care for those in neighboring states who will be facing a healthcare crisis. We formed SPURR to curate and provide information, education, resources and opportunities for engagement for those who were equally concerned about the loss of this fundamental right. In doing so, we have discovered that we are part of an evolving nationwide, even global, effort of women helping women. Who We Are NOT: We are not a fundraising organization. We are not only women - we welcome men and people of all persuasions. We are not partisan, but we support candidates and organizations that protect and encourage a woman’s right to determine her own health care decisions. We are not experts - we are constantly learning and connecting with people who are experts to share this information with our community. We are friendly people. Please join us.
15 Members
Jocelyn Childs

Eastern Panhandle Policies Over Parties

EPPOP is a nonpartisan, local group focused on restoring our country to a full representative democracy where the voice of the everyday citizen is valued again. We primarily concentrate our efforts on this through a two-pronged process. The first is to provide a consolidated location to obtain election and policy resources through our website and Facebook page, the second is to connect individuals in Berkeley and Jefferson Counties who want to build relationships across the political divides in order to meet the needs of all members of our community. We welcome new members and open, insightful discussion, especially those who wish to be a part of restoring democratic principles to our community and our country. Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/EasternPanhandle.PoliciesOverParties/ Website Link: https://redwineblue.controlshift.app/groups/eastern-panhandle-policies-over-parties
15 Members
Paula Rife
Judy York
2 Others

SWEEP Louisiana

Welcome to the state-level group of SWEEP by Red Wine & Blue for Louisiana. SWEEP stands for Suburban Women – Engaged, Empowered, and Pissed! This is a safe (and brave!) space for all individuals who embrace inclusivity and reject hate and extremism. SWEEP Louisiana is open to all like-minded individuals looking to learn, organize, and band together across this state. Most of our group's discussion and organizing will take place on our Facebook page. Follow this link to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sweeplouisiana
15 Members
Missy McGinnes

Raising Our Vote

We want to inform, connect, and engage women in our area to save Ohio from the dumpster fires being lit daily by extremists in our state and national governments.
15 Members
Kelly Goshe

NH Women for Democracy

Our local group will connect badass women in our community who want to work with others who share their values to protect democracy on the local, state and national levels.
15 Members
Deborah Makowsky

A2 Activists GoBlue

A2 Activists GoBlue is an Ann Arbor group dedicated to helping each other find meaningful, impactful ways to combat extremism, amid the demands of daily life. Tired of wringing our hands over the onslaught of scary news, from abortion and book bans to school shootings, hate crimes, voting restrictions, and irresponsible climate legislation, we came together in 2021 and decided to stop simply worrying and take action. We aim to foster a safe environment for ourselves and our communities, autonomy over our bodies, and inclusivity. Together, we found achievable steps we could take while juggling careers and families, and now, we hope to share opportunities to get involved with more local progressives. The members of A2 Activists GoBlue are tired, we’re fed up—but we’re not giving up.
15 Members
Melissa Pilewskie

SWEEP Oregon

Welcome to the state-level group of SWEEP by Red Wine & Blue for Oregon. SWEEP stands for Suburban Women – Engaged, Empowered, and Pissed! This is a safe (and brave!) space for all individuals who embrace inclusivity and reject hate and extremism. SWEEP Oregon is open to all like-minded individuals looking to learn, organize, and band together across this state. Most of our group's discussion and organizing will take place on our Facebook page. Follow this link to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sweeporegon
15 Members
Sarah Kester

ChesCo Parent Partners

Our local group will connect badass women in our community who want to work with others who share their values to protect democracy primarily at the school board level. We also look to create CONNECTIONS to other groups, so as long as you are one of us...we can help you get to where you want to make an impact! Our group's mission is to support our public schools in creating a safe and welcoming learning environment for students of any kind by: 1. Encouraging parental involvement as a true partnership. 2. Rebuilding trust in our district by improving two-way communications. 3. Initiating and enabling improvements to help our students succeed. 4. Supporting our educators in hearing and honoring the voices of our diverse community. 5. Empowering elected officials to support and create policies that embody these values in our schools.
15 Members
Ann Marie Shidemaker