Local Groups

ResistersForDemocracy - Europe

Those of us far away (CET time zone) can also organize to help protect democracy in the face of crazy things from the once again 'president' (aka traitor) of the USA and his like... Join in with this group to brainstorm and act! Many countries have problems of right wing and authoritarian politicians... The thought is that this group might not just be for American voters, as so much of the world is having difficulties around democracy/totalitarianism... What could help everyone is to find concrete ways to take action that matters... Even from Europe, we can make our voices heard!
1 Members
Rachel Aronoff

PFLAG San Jose / Peninsula Advocacy

Transform Your Love into Action! As the advocacy group of PFLAG San Jose / Peninsula, we champion the fundamental rights of our LGBTQ+ loved ones - fighting for their equality, freedom, dignity, and safety. Whether you're comfortable writing letters from home or ready to speak at public hearings, there's a meaningful way for everyone to contribute. Let's work together to create lasting positive change! Our main website: PFLAGsanjose.org PFLAG is a 501(3)c so we cannot endorse parties or candidates.
1 Members
Jessica Gachet

Trouble Heros

Our local group connects like-minded people in our community who want to work with others who share their values to protect democracy on the local, state and national levels.
1 Members
melanie wight

Ladies Auxiliary Mutual Aid Society and Resistance Cell

We are a group of (mostly) retired women, long-time friends, who meet for fun and mutual support. We want to write letters to representatives and newspapers. We are based primarily in mid-Atlanta or inner-ring suburbs (Decatur, East Point). We want to focus on state-level and national advocacy, mostly, as we represent various municipalities, school boards, etc. We represent various professions, weighted toward health and education. For now we want to be a private group (or at least want to invite members personally), though having tools to plug into nationwide advocacy campaigns without being barraged with requests to donate funds would be really welcome!
1 Members
Helen Ensign

Friends of Immigrants

To collect and share resources for undocumented families/persons To share current needs that agencies/churches/groups that support immigrants To share current needs for action/advocacy
1 Members
Amy Schafer

Good Trouble in Pie Town

Our local group provide a forum and nexus for communication and activism for like-minded women.
1 Members
Claudia Previn Stasny

Coalition Builders for Action

Our group, the Leona Huddle, is an established activist group since 2017 with about 35 or so regularly attending members at our monthly meetings. We have a Facebook page (Leona Huddle) and our members get a weekly newsletter. We are now expanding to add a quarterly meetup to include other activist groups in Tampa to work together to register voters, contact elected officials about our issues, write letters and emails, make calls, canvass, etc.
1 Members
Vivian Mirk

Wild Hearted Women for Democracy

This group was created last August to campaign for Kamala. We are now refocusing our efforts and have a brainstorming meeting in February. Our meetings are located in the southern twin cities suburbs. meetup.com/wild-hearted-women-for-democracy facebook.com/people/Wild-Hearted-Women-for-Democracy/61565071079507/?_rdr instagram wild-hearted-women-4-democracy
1 Members
Debra Kosch

Fresno Friends Defending Democracy

Our local group connects like-minded people in our community who want to work with others who share their values to protect democracy on the local, state and national levels.
1 Members

Fresno/Clovis Eyes Open

Central Valley conservatives are pushing for book banning and Anti LGBTQ Rights. We need a place where like-minded humans can come together for support and build creative actions to stop this conservative takeover here.
1 Members
Paige Addington