Holding Complexity *Doing the Deeper Work of Democracy*

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED, need minimum of 6 RSVPs to hold meeting

There are so many different ways to get involved and engaged right now. I am particularly interested in reducing the confusion of people arriving at meetings that are not what they were hoping for. Some video calls are primarily for the purpose of fundraising while listeni ng to inspiring speakers. Some are for the purpose of skill building. Some are direct action (phone banking, postcard writing). You will want to feel clear about the intended purpose of a gathering before you attend so you are not disappointed, confused or frustrated.

Event Description:
Canvassing, phone banking, and writing postcards are a piece of the puzzle and important work - there are MANY opportunities, volunteer shifts and supplies through your local Dems Office: www.mainedems.org/volunteer

Leah, however, is offering to host an in person group called Holding Complexity *Doing the Deeper Work of Democracy*, educating ourselves, overcoming our shortsightedness, making sense of the complex history fueling the breaking news, improving our leadership skills for sustaining real coalitions, and building the muscles of democracy in ourselves and our relationships. 
This meeting is neither for fundraising purposes nor phone banking, it is a *SKILL BUILDING* meeting. 

In person, in Portland, ongoing democracy & coalition building work 
from 7:00-8:00pm
*18 Vannah Ave 04103, second floor, door on the right.
Starts on
Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 7:00 PM EDT
Ends on
Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 8:00 PM EDT
Portland, ME, 04103
United States
Full address will be provided upon RSVP
